Show Info


 Blythe Lipman, Baby and Toddler Expert Welcomes Great Guests Each Week To Help Make Your Parenting Adventure Easier.

 Blythe will also share the latest parenting news,tips from her own books and the newest recalls.

Wednesdays,11AM EST 




You did it! You're the proud owner of an adorable, soft, cuddly, sweet-smelling, smiling, cooing, HUNGRY, TIRED,GASSY, SCREAMING little bundle of joy!!  What do I do now? Where are the instructions?

That adorable soft, cuddly,sweet-smelling, little bundle of joy is now a walking, talking full-fledged toddler whose favorite word is "NO!"  What do I do now? Where are the instructions?

Blythe and her guest experts will provide instructions to make those first years a breeze!!

Answers to all your "How to's":

  • How to get your baby to stop crying.
  • How to get your baby or toddler to go to sleep and stay asleep, so you can too!
  • How to stop your toddler's temper tantrums.
  • How to pick the perfect preschool.
  • How to keep your marriage fun and alive when you have little ones.
  • And a myriad of other topics all parents need to know!

Blythe Lipman, an author, publisher, teacher, caregiver, consultant, keynote, blogger and baby and toddler expert. Blythe is the owner and CEO of Baby Instructions in Scottsdale, Arizona. She is the award-winning author of Help! My Baby Came Without Instructions, More...Help! My Baby Came Without Instructions,  which are pediatrician- approved, mom and dad  tested!  She is currently working on Help! My Toddler Came Without Instructions as well as co-authoring Help! My Aging Parents Came Without Instructions.

Blythe has 25+ years of experience in the field and cared for over 1000 babies. She has helped new and expectant parents gain the confidence they need to enjoy and care for their little miracles.

She has designed, set-up and run preschool infant rooms throughout the country providing turn-key operations. Those including teacher hiring and training, room set-up, health department consultations, as well as writing the parent booklets and training manuals. 

Blythe lives in Scottsdale, Arizona and is the proud mom of Lindsay and Andrew and her three doggie children, Lucy, Desi and Lenny.

If you would like to be a guest on Baby and Toddler Instructions | My Best Parenting Advice, please contact me at: or call +1 (480) 510-1453.


11-29-17 Baby and Toddlr Instructions Welcomes Connie Gruning from and Hair Colorist Extraordinaire, Jesse Fortin

Connie Gruning from PeanutButterandWhine will be telling us "What's Hot and What's Hot" in December.Connie, Alice, and BlytheJesse Fortin will be...

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11-15-17 Baby and Toddler Instructions Welcomes Author, Devorah Blachor

Host Blythe Lipman Welcomes Mom and Author, Devorah Blachor. She will be sharing tips from her book, "The Feminist's Guide to Raising a Little...

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11-08-17 Are You Nuts? Esthetician, Cynthia Boggs Will Tell You All About It!

Blythe Lipman, host of Baby and Toddler Instructions will be talking with Esthetician, Cynthia Boggs about the benefits of nut, legumes, pumpkin and...

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11-01-17 Baby And Toddler Instructions Welcomes Guests, Connie Gruning from and Christopher Brown, Certified Life Specialist

Connie Gruning will be sharing her latest give-aways from as well as telling us "What's Hot and What's Not" in November."It...

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10-25-17 Baby and Toddler Instructions Welcomes Certified Financial Planner, Adam M. Brooks

Blythe Lipman, Host of Baby and Toddler Instructions Welcomes Guest, Adam M. Brooks, Certified Financial Planner.Adam will be talking about planning...

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My Best Parenting Advice


Amazon | Author Blythe Lipman | Baby and Toddler Instructions | My Best Parenting Advice

...The Perfect Gift!


"Help! My Baby Came Without Instructions" and

"Help! My Toddler Came Without Instructions" 

I am sure we can solve your needs together! - Blythe

Turning off those tears, including yours.

Getting baby to go to sleep and stay asleep.

Choosing the perfect preschool.

Stopping those terrible tantrums.

How to stay sane and keep your marriage fun and alive.

Hundreds of tips make those first four years easier.

To buy Blythe's books visit:

Help! My Baby Came Without Instructions | Blythe Lipman


Don't forget to visit my websites for lots of great parenting information.

If you need experienced Parenting Advice schedule a Parenting Consultation or call directly. I can help! Call 480-510-1453 or schedule online.

If you are interested in becoming a guest on the Baby and Toddler Instructions Podcast, please read more at My Best Parenting Advice on the Become a Guest Page.




Help! My Toddler Came Without Instructions | Blythe Lipman

Blythe Lipman, Author, Founder of My Best Parenting Advice, and host of Baby and Toddler Instructions Podcast on Toginet. I'm here to help!

Can't get your baby to sleep?  Is she cranky a lot and what do those cries mean? Call Blythe.

We can go over all the instructions you need to make each day with your precious little bundle, happy and fun!

As well, you receive a signed copy of "Help! My Baby Came Without Instructions" with your 1st Consultation!

Blythe is available for Private Skype telephone Parenting consultations as well as local Consultations to AZ.

To schedule a Parenting Consultation, email through the SSL secured My Best Parenting Advice Contact Form or call her office: 480-510-1453.