The Hearing Center at EyeCare Associates is committed to providing the highest quality hearing healthcare service. We recognize our responsibility to the community to advocate, develop and implement quality, comprehensive and cost-effective hearing healthcare which educates, informs and benefits our patients.
Coy Weems has over 43 years experience in wearing hearing aids. He was fit with them at the age of five and has experience in various types and models. Due to this firsthand knowledge Coy is able to actually understand what it is like to experience the world with and without amplification and how truly wonderful it is to have the technology to assist others that are experiencing hearing difficulty in their life.
Coy became a hearing aid specialist in 1990 and a member of the Eye Care Associates team in June of 2010. Coy's philosophy is one of individualized care and attention with a personal touch for all patients treated at Eye Care Associates. When you or your loved one enters our office, you can be assured of a caring and concerned staff that will treat you with respect and give you the professional attention you need for your hearing health care needs.
Listen to Coy Weems on Topics of Interest
What happens when you walk into a hearing practice? this is a detailed description of what you should expect.
You get a lot of advertizments in the mail for hearing aids, here is a discription of what you should look out for regarding these ads.
The internet is becoming a more prevelant aspect of our purchasing model, this is true for hearing aids as well. this is a more in depth discussion of what really happens when you purchase hearing aids on-line.
Among many reasons a person can experience depression, one of the lesser realized cause is hearing loss. here are some of the ways hearing loss can lead to depression.
Ringing in the ears. how can we manage this condition with hearing aids?
Discussion of how diabetes affects hearing.