Aug 15 Brian Haggard, Lori Mason, and Sussan Brubaker Knapp chat with host Pat Sloan

Radio - August 15, 2011

Pat Sloan American Patchwork and Quilting radio Brian Haggard guest

Guest - Sometime I meet people for the show in a most unusual way. Brian Haggard was seeing the show in Cinncinnati when I spied a fabulous projet bag he had. It turns out I was not the only one who stopped him that day to find out all about his crazy quilted bag. Brian is the author of Crazy Quilted Memories by C&T.. let's find out about his book!

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  Pat Sloan American Patchwork and Quilting radio Lori Mason guest

Guest Lori Mason is a wonderful modern quilt designer. Many of her pattern find there way into Quilts and More and we love her clean lines and way with color.

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  Pat Sloan American Patchwork and Quilting radio Susan Brubaker Knapp guest

Guest - I'm really excited to talk with my buddy designer, teacher, and author Susan Brubaker Knapp. Susan works in a lot of different mediums and we are going to touch on a few today!

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