Dec 17, 2012 Pat Wys, Leah Day and Roseann Kermes join host Pat Sloan on American Patchwork & Quilting Radio

learn about neutrals, why feeddogs matter and quick gift ideas today on the Radio!

Pat Sloan American Patchwork and Quilting radio Pat Wys guest
Guest - Designer and author Pat Wys might be the first person to really show me what 'southern hospitality' is. When I went to teach in Altanta Georgia, she and her group organzied a dinner party for us to show us what REAL southern cooking was! Pat is a exhuberent designer who also embraces the 'neutral' side of things. I'm so pleased to have Pat on today to share how she got started, what inspires her, and we are going to chat neutrals!



Pat Sloan American Patchwork and Quilting radio Leah Day guest
Guest - A few years ago Leah Day decided to create a quilting motif a day, 365 designs to quilt your pieces. That includes a blog post, video and support for all your questions! Leah has turned her passions for quilting into a business of teaching you how to put those 3 layers together and add the beautiful quilting to it. Leah is on the show today to talk about how she started and share a few quilting tips with us!.

Sites: - This is the Free Motion Quilting Project

Pat sloan apq radio roseann kermes guest button
Guest - Designer Roseann Kermes is here to dish QUICK GIFTS with me! Need to work assembly line? Find some shortcuts? Want something a bit unique? Listen in today as we give you great last minute ideas!

Quick gifts at American Patchwork & Quilting CLICK HERE

Barbara Jones at Quilt Soup has an adorable gift card holder CLICK HERE

Visit Roseann - 


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