Blythe Lipman, Host of Baby and Toddler Instructions Welcomes guest authors, Shannon Duffy and John Zakour

By Blythe Lipman, Baby Instructions

Blythe Lipman  founder of Baby Instructions and host of  BabyandToddlerInstructions welcomes guest authors, Shannon Duffy and John Zakour as they talk about pregnancy.  

 Wednesday's show will not only be filled with important facts you need to know if you're pregnant or thinking about it...but how to keep your sense of humor as your tummy expands and your feet  slowly disappear! 

Shannon Duffy  is the mother of two boys, and lives in the suburbs of Los Angeles, California. Having experienced a natural, "no drug" labor and delivery as well as a drug-induced one, she is able to shed light to both sides of the coin. Shannon has been quoted by CNN on multiple occasions as well as iVillage and Parenting Magazine, offering up advice and tips on parenting. Her most recent release was a young adult novel, "Stormy Knight: Prom Queen of the Undead," which she also coauthored with Zakour. Co-author of The Couples Guide to Pregnancy & Beyond (He Says, She Says) (Blue Leaf Publiucations, Spring 2012) She is also the Palm Springs Parenting Editor for Her website is

John Zakour is a humor/sf/fantasy writer with a Master's degree in Human Behavior. He has written thousand of gags for syndicated comics, comedians and TV shows, including: Rugrats, Grimmy, Dennis the Menace, Simpsons, The Tonight Show, and Joan River's old TV show and writes his own syndicated comic, Working Daze. His works include seven humorous SF novels for DAW books (four of which made the SF bestseller list), three pregnancy/baby books, three YA books, two self-help books, and three books on HTML. Co-author of The Couples Guide to Pregnancy & Beyond (He Says, She Says) (Blue Leaf Publiucations, Spring 2012) His website is

  BabyandToddlerInstructions is hosted by Blythe Lipman. Blythe has taken care of over 1000 babies in the past twenty-five years. She worked in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Boston as a volunteer while attending Boston University. Blythe is the president of Baby Instructions in Scottsdale, Arizona. She has set up infant rooms with turn-key operations in many preschools throughout the country. She works extensively with new parents, providing seminars, tips and daily phone calls of reassurance. Blythe presents workshops sharing her expertise and easy-to-use tips to make those first years the easiest and best! Her parent books have won numerous awards of recognition. Blythe Lipman is also a featured writer for the following publications:,,, and

For more information you can reach Blythe Lipman of Baby Instructions by calling 480-510-1453 or emailing her directly at

 BabyandToddlerInstructions airs on Wednesday at 11am Eastern Standard Time on Toginet Radio and can be downloaded directly from Itunes. Blythe Lipman is the author of Help! My Baby came Without Instructions. Blythe's book can be ordered by clicking here and for excerpts of her book click here.

For more information you can reach Blythe Lipmanof Baby Instructions by calling 480-510-1453or emailing her directly at

Blythe Lipman is the expert on parenting issues with babies and toddlers, whether it be a first time mom, pregnant for the first time, dealing with toddler separation anxiety, potty training your toddler or just looking for help for new parents.





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"Help! My Toddler Came Without Instructions" 

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Getting baby to go to sleep and stay asleep.

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Help! My Baby Came Without Instructions | Blythe Lipman


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Help! My Toddler Came Without Instructions | Blythe Lipman

Blythe Lipman, Author, Founder of My Best Parenting Advice, and host of Baby and Toddler Instructions Podcast on Toginet. I'm here to help!

Can't get your baby to sleep?  Is she cranky a lot and what do those cries mean? Call Blythe.

We can go over all the instructions you need to make each day with your precious little bundle, happy and fun!

As well, you receive a signed copy of "Help! My Baby Came Without Instructions" with your 1st Consultation!

Blythe is available for Private Skype telephone Parenting consultations as well as local Consultations to AZ.

To schedule a Parenting Consultation, email through the SSL secured My Best Parenting Advice Contact Form or call her office: 480-510-1453.