By Blythe Lipman, Baby Instructions
...The Perfect Gift!
"Help! My Baby Came Without Instructions" and
"Help! My Toddler Came Without Instructions"
I am sure we can solve your needs together! - Blythe
Turning off those tears, including yours.
Getting baby to go to sleep and stay asleep.
Choosing the perfect preschool.
Stopping those terrible tantrums.
How to stay sane and keep your marriage fun and alive.
Hundreds of tips make those first four years easier.
To buy Blythe's books visit:
Don't forget to visit my websites for lots of great parenting information.
If you need experienced Parenting Advice schedule a Parenting Consultation or call directly. I can help! Call 480-510-1453 or schedule online.
If you are interested in becoming a guest on the Baby and Toddler Instructions Podcast, please read more at My Best Parenting Advice on the Become a Guest Page.
Blythe Lipman, Author, Founder of My Best Parenting Advice, and host of Baby and Toddler Instructions Podcast on Toginet. I'm here to help!
Can't get your baby to sleep? Is she cranky a lot and what do those cries mean? Call Blythe.
We can go over all the instructions you need to make each day with your precious little bundle, happy and fun!
As well, you receive a signed copy of "Help! My Baby Came Without Instructions" with your 1st Consultation!
Blythe is available for Private Skype telephone Parenting consultations as well as local Consultations to AZ.
To schedule a Parenting Consultation, email through the SSL secured My Best Parenting Advice Contact Form or call her office: 480-510-1453.