Kristen Gillette, Executive Director of the Kortney Rose Foundation in Oceanport, NJ, joins us to discuss the abrupt loss of her daughter Kortney in 2006 to a deadly brain tumor and the change of the landscape of childhood cancer research since then. Joining us in Segment II is Eric Montgomery, currently hiking the Pacific Crest Trail to help raise awareness and raise funds for the first multi-institutional research project for DIPG and HGG, High Grade Gliomas, employing the most advanced genomic sequencing techniques in precision medicine. Kortney Rose Foundation's support for CBTTC, Children's Brain Tumor Tissue Consortium, with its home at Children's Hospital Philadelphia,has been crucial to the eventual development of this collaborative project. Eric Montgomery's project is called Hike4Pennies, at web address where this project is explained in detail.
Here, you may refer also to our 4-26-2018 podcast and article for more information about Hike4Pennies.
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