Molly Lindquist, CEO of Children's Cancer Therapy Development Institute in Beaverton OR, joins us to share her personal story of cancer survival and the importance of the parent-funded research at cc-TDI. We continue exploring the research Project Haystack for rhabdomyosarcoma, and hear from two more foundations helping to fund this project, first Vanessa Lendvay with Team Naomi, from Saskatoon Saskatchewan, Canada. Team Naomi began in the family living room between Vanessa, a pharmacist, and her husband, a teacher. Their daughter Naomi was stronger than her cancer, and to be told that the cancer was stronger than the science currently fighting it was unacceptable to them. The option to do nothing wasn't either, and so "Team Naomi Get Well Now" was formed, donating over $188,000 in its first 2 years to rhabdomyosarcoma research.
Finally, Larry Perfetti joins us from Highland Park NJ and shares the legacy of his daughter Kirsten, Kier's Kids, which provides support for children, young adults and their families directly while helping to find cures for rhabdomyosarcoma and other pediatric cancers.
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