The second edition of Childhood Cancer Talk Radio's Research Series with Children's Cancer Therapy Development Institute features an osteosarcoma research project directed by Jin-ah Kim PhD. Originally from South Korea, Kim describes her education experience, vocational direction to cancer research, and the unique challenges and goals for the project.
The second half of the show features the inspiration behind the project, which is funded by the Trey Foote Foundation of Vancouver WA. James and Leah Foote, Trey's amazing and positive-minded parents, describe their experience with their son and his fight with osteosarcoma which included two years of chemotherapy, three major surgeries and a partial amputation of his leg. Trey lost his life to the disease in October of 2006, and his family is determined to cure osteosarcoma with an attitude of happiness, optimism, and faith which Trey insisted upon, in living his life to the fullest while he was here. His mother Leah exemplifies this ideal with the motto, "Happiness is a choice, so be happy," continuing her love of working with children at Seaton Catholic College Preparatory School in Vancouver, WA. Jim Foote, a career executive in IT, Operations and Research and Development, prides himself as a problem solver determined to eradicate cancer.
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