May 2019 has witnessed important advances in pediatric brain cancer awareness, advocacy, and the fulfillment of a life-time dream by a dedicated brother and his friends for Kayne Finley of Ormond Beach FL, deceased 18 months ago to DIPG. DIPG is the second most common but deadliest pediatric brain cancer, and has been instrumental, for all of its horror, to raising awareness to the urgent needs of children with cancer for research into cures.
Cannonballs-Across-America is a coast-to-coast cycling event to raise funds for pediatric brain cancer research in honor of Kayne Finley, a kind young man dedicated to his faith that one day, we will find a cure for DIPG.
DIPG Advocacy Group members Paul Miller, Elizabeth Psar, and Wendy Fachon share their experience in seeing the first National Awareness Resolution for DIPG pass the Senate.
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