Lucetta Zaytoun - Banish Self-Doubt

Lucetta ZaytounLucetta Zaytoun’s ability to bounce back from tragedy time and time again is uncanny. After raising six kids, yet another life earthquake hit. This one led her to put everything she owned in storage, sell her car, shut down her phone and travel in developing countries by herself for one year. Lucetta’s precarious, intrepid and fascinating runaway journey took her to places she never imagined.

Without intending to, at age 51, she jumped off the world’s highest bungee bridge, was French-kissed by a giraffe, fell in love with Africa, was abducted, ate a tarantula in Cambodia, and ultimately found herself.

While on her courageous journey, every bit of Lucetta’s past showed up to haunt and heal her, helping her make peace with her life and reclaim her authentic identity. 

Lucetta is now the author of her memoir, It’s Already Tomorrow Here: Never Underestimate the Power of Running Away, a speaker and a life/leadership coach.

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About Clarence

Heart WorldFounder and President of True Life Enterprises – Clarence Caldwell is a Nationally Recognized Business Coach, Life Mentor & Speaker –

As a former Fortune 100 Executive Clarence has built a business around helping leaders create success in their careers while staying connected to their true self.

Being an effective coach in transformation, spirituality, family issues, conflict resolution, visioning, empowerment and personal performance,

Clarence has helped thousands of people realize their gifts and achieve their goals.

Starting life as an inner city kid at risk living in poverty, Clarence knows all too well what it looks like and feels like to have little hope of achieving greatness in this world.

The spiritual and transformational principles he used in his own rise are what his clients receive and use in their own success journeys. Clarence’s company, True Life Enterprises has become a beacon of light illuminating the path to having it all - at work and at home.

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Escape from Average