WELCOME to “Coach Spotlight Radio!”
A podcast dedicated to ALL podcasters and to those who are “thinking” about using their voice to create and enjoy their own podcast. Podcasters share their message using the “Power of Speech” to educate, motivate, and encourage people from all walks of life to “FIND & FOLLOW” their True Calling.
As Stephen Covey said...
"Once you find your voice,
inspire others to find theirs."
Podcasting is the fastest growing media format, allowing listeners to hear YOUR message on their schedule!!! In addition, with so many consumers cutting the cable, advertisers KNOW they must bridge the gap to keep their products and services in front of consumers. Podcasting is an excellent avenue to bridge this gap between YOUR (future) Sponsors and Their Customers, at a reasonable cost.
Tune-in as each podcast will provide information on the HOW, the WHY and WHAT it takes to be a successful podcaster. Information shared will inspire you to explore how YOU can use your voice in creating a podcast to take you down the pathway of your private journey.
If you are unsure, have questions, or maybe just need some coaching and training, “Coach Spotlight Radio” is the show YOU need to tune in to, Subscribe to, and Share with others.
Coach Spotlight Radio is hosted by Jim Grant and Kim Miner, two very experienced speakers, trainers, coaches and podcasters.

Kim also hosts her own podcast “The Kimberly Miner Podcast Your Best You”. Her interviews focus on helping others achieve the Health and Wellness they desire. Both Mental Health and Physical Health must be in complete balance and harmony to live a wholesome lifestyle.

In addition, Jim is a host on “Your Future Is Now” here at TogiNet. This Radio Show and Podcast focuses on “Infotainment & Information” for entrepreneurs to grow their business. His Guests are entrepreneurs from all walks of life that share their knowledge and wisdom of HOW they got started, WHAT motivated them, and WHY they do what they do.
Our position line here at Toginet Radio is...
"Changing the world, one VOICE at a time!"