Monday, March 12 - Manifesting Your Miracle, Week 7 of the 12 -Week Action Plan
We are full steam ahead and now more than halfway through Manifesting Your Miracle. Dr. Gilbert Renaud will be joining us today as we discuss underlying issues that contribute to hormonal imbalances, thyroid disease, chronic fatigue, as well as sleep disorders. We are building momentum in your healing process as we place additional emphasis on achieving and maintaining proper PH balance. We are continuing to improve your proper nutrition by juicing, increasing your levels of exercise, and increasing adequate and proper exposure to sunlight, along with recommending which testing may be appropriate for you at this time.
Tuesday, March 13 - Are You Losing Your Mind?
During this show you will learn the factors contributing to the epidemic of memory loss, brain fog, Alzheimer's, and other neurological degenerative diseases. Learn about the heavy metal connections and other toxins, effects of EMF's, and how deteriorating brain function can be reversed. Also learn about the nutrients critical for healthy brain function, how to detox the brain and the conflict programs underlying the most common neurological diseases.
Wednesday, March 14 - The Deep, Dark, Dirty Secrets Behind Over the Counter Medications and Prescription Drugs
This show will shed light on the extraordinary toll that over the counter and prescription medications have on our society. The death toll of just 3 common over the counter drugs is over 30,000 deaths per year and well over 100,000 serious life threatening injuries and illnesses cause by those 3 drugs alone. Learn about an alternative approach to disease that assists us in treating the source, instead of the symptoms.
Thursday, March 15 - Are You a Vulnerable Host -THE REAL CAUSE BEHIND INFECTIOUS DISEASES
During this program you will learn that it's not bugs that make you sick, it is the vulnerable host that becomes sick. Learn how the brain orchestrates every infection from beginning to end and how to accelerate and facilitate the healing from infections, including the common cold, flu, pneumonia, and MRSA. Also learn when antibiotics may be necessary to save your life and why antibiotics are not necessary for treating most infections when you do things right.
Friday, March 16, 2012 - Discover the Secrets in Achieving and Maintaining Healthy Body Weight
95% of people fail to maintain weight loss over 2 years and 98% fail over 5 years. Why is it so difficult to lose the weight and keep it off? Learn the underlying secrets of eating disorders and associated chronic diseases. We will be joined today by the world-renowned "father" of Recall Healing, Dr. Gilbert Renaud.
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