March 26-March 30

Monday, March 26 -Manifesting Your Miracle, Week 9 of the 12 Week Action Plan

Continue the journey with to discover what you can do to massively change the course of your health. During this program we will be discussing the impact of structural issues on your health including the misalignment of the skull bones, spine and joints. We will also be discussing the impact of dental issues such as mercury fillings, root canals, the impact of immunizations, make up and skin care products and how to eliminate the adverse effects of these entities.

 Tuesday, March 27 - Salting Your Way to Health

A lot of misinformation is has circulated over 2 or 3 decades about salt and the supposed dangers of salt to your health. Most of this information is ill-conceived erroneous or just plain wrong. During this program we will be discussing the beneficial effects of "healthy" salts and other minerals and trace minerals essential for health. Learn how to resuscitate your adrenals among other things and how to improve chronic fatigue with the right salt in the right amount.

 Wednesday ,March28  Spring Hay Fever: Natural Relief

 During this show we are going to address why some people develop sinus allergies and others don't. We will also be talking about natural strategies to get to the bottom of the allergy epidemic that we see this time of the year. As well as complications of allergies and common underlying conditions that contribute to sinus symptoms. This will include chronic sinusitis that effects up to 90% of people in certain parts of the U.S.


Thursday, March 29 Chronic Headaches: My head is killing me!


Listen to this show to find out everything you've always wanted to know about headaches, why we get them and how to get rid of them with the least amount of trouble and the fewest amount of medications. More and more people are suffering from blown out kidneys, livers, joints, and gastro intestinal tracks b/c of the very medications some are using to control their headaches. We will also be discussing the "headaches" of life behind your headaches.


Friday March 30 Depression & Overcoming Loss


One thing that we all have in common in life, is that if we live long enough we will suffer many losses. Most people carry subconscious unhealed wounds related to losses suffered related to death, divorce, estrangement, and others wounds of the heart. In this show, Dr. Pieter DeWet and his wife Dr. Cindi will be discussing tools and techniques to accelerate healing for a loss. They will also be discussing the adverse health impacts including specific diseases that result from unresolved losses.


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