I’m not waiting for Thanksgiving to thank God for champion warrior women, like Rosie MaKinney. She joined me to talk about “porn-proofing” your kids. (For Rosie’s story, click here.)
Hollywood seems to claim October for evil and destruction in the name of entertainment. Our culture throws all kinds of yucky stuff at families, especially at our most vulnerable children. Today, we’re reclaiming October to safeguard our kids.
“Porn-Proofing” Your Kids
I had tons of concerns when we first hooked up our desktop computer to internet way back in the 90s. Do we get our kids their own computers? When do we let them have phones?
Many people suggested apps to safeguard their internet connections, but I knew one truth right away. My kids are smarter than me.
That was in the days long before tablets and screen time made it into my daily vocabulary. Unfortunately, technology has only gotten more tricky for families. Is “porn-proofing” your kids even possible?
Rosie tells me there are plenty for reason for parents to be alarmed. Physical tech solutions were not enough to fence in kids or keep the yucky stuff out. (I’m using quotation marks a lot today, so the SEO police won’t put this blog in internet jail.)
The Threat to Kids
“To a tender heart and an innocent mind, exposure to porn is traumatic and it’s dangerous,” she explains. “It activates the sexual part a child’s feeling brain before their thinking brain even knows what sex is.” They don’t have enough information to understand. But all children are naturally curious, she says. (For more about safeguarding your child, Rosie recommends MediaSavvyMoms.com)
Having “porn consumption” in your home (even privately in the middle of the night) is a threat to your children’s well-being. (For more resources, including for your church, click here.)
For instance, children in homes with “porn consumption” are more likely to be accidentally exposed than children in homes without “porn consumption,” according to Rosie. She explains why this is a big problem.
If we’re really serious about “porn-proofing” our kids, they need to choose boundaries for themselves. That means the adults have to set some sturdy boundaries, too. It helps to know the science behind the danger. Rosie offers great tips and encouragement to "porn-proof the kids in your family. TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE, CLICK HERE.
Cathy Krafve, Speaker, Blogger, Podcaster, and author of The Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations , invites your stories, ideas, and questions at CathyKrafve.com. Truth with a Texas Twang.