Our world sure needs more wholehearted marriages! Scott Kedersha and his family have experienced two different thriving churches now. Why are some churches thriving? Perhaps the secret is in the way they welcome brokenhearted people.
Aren’t we all brokenhearted at one time or another? Of course, we all get hurt by Life’s crises! So how do we go from brokenhearted to wholehearted in our marriage?
I felt so lucky to score an interview with a very influential, yet down-to-earth guy.
Normal Guy With a Heart for Marriage
Scott is husband to Kristen for twenty years and father of four boys. Yes. Four boys. I’d say that’s enough street cred right there!
Scott serves as Marriage Pastor at Harris Creek Church in Waco, Texas. Is a marriage pastor on staff a thing at savvy churches? I hope so.
He began at Watermark Community Church in Dallas, home of the Re/Engage ministry sweeping the country and changing lives. (Catch my interview with Re/Engage Director Susan Cox.)
Podcast: My interview with Scott
In this episode, Scott shares much more about how to create wholehearted marriages. Talk about personal! We even groan together about our mutual struggles with weight gain, and loss, and oh yeah, gain. Plus, we even laugh about in-laws and all the other ways God redeems families through marriage. Find more on Fireside Talk Radio.
Self-Protection: The Enemy of Wholehearted Marriages
“It’s sad we have such self-protection. We don’t want to let people in. We hear it all the time, but people don’t want to let others in; they want to protect,” reports Scott. “They want to hide and they want to come across with the right image. And they’re hurting.”
Lovingly, there are churches wanting to talk about how Jesus came to help us and give us a better way to live, especially in wholehearted marriages.
“Somehow, we need to get used to the fact that we all have our stuff. And it looks different for each of us. But we don’t need to self-protect and hide,” he says. “We need to learn to be open and honest.” (Find his book Ready or Knot: 12 Conversations Every Couple Needs to Have before Marriage.) Read the FULL ARTICLE HERE!
And know how grateful I am for YOU! ❤️