I fell in love with Bobbie Ziemer’s beautiful heart. And with her great courage to pull together a book about Drug Addiction.

If you found this blog because you are struggling with a drug-related crisis in your family, you are not alone.
Each mom. Each beloved child. Their voices tell the whole heart-wrenching story of the drug pandemic sweeping our nation.
Bobbie’s daughter, Madison, entered into heaven on October 10th, 2017. This month, we are honoring her beautiful memory with two blogs and interviews.
I could see God’s fingerprints all over Bobbie’s book, Not in Vain: Mothers Share their Journey through their Child’s Life and Loss to the Drug Pandemic.
A dear friend offered me a chance to connect with Bobbie and I jumped at the chance. I don’t get paid to present people’s books, I just like reading. I really admire this book and that’s why I invited Bobbie to be on the show.
In this episode, Bobbie offers ideas about how to protect our children. Plus, we talk about false guilt and false shame. I also share my theory about whether loved ones can see us from heaven. It’s just a theory, but maybe it’s a comfort. Find more Fireside Talk Radio podcasts.
Not In Vain
Our two interviews are a small part of what Bobbie is doing to ensure Madison’s death was Not In Vain. And not just Madison, but the many, many kids each year who die in drug-related deaths.
Please help us by sharing today’s blog with everyone you know. Please look for last week’s blog, too, The Drug Pandemic. Not in Vain: Real Addiction. Real Pain.
“You somewhat expect your child—although you raise them to go to church, to do the right thing, and to make good decisions and choices—to be a better version of yourself. Right?” she begins.
View the tender, yet powerful video our friends at Verizon created, spotlighting Bobbie and her story HERE. Plus read the full article, including how to open the right conversations with your own family.
And thank YOU for listening in on our tender conversations and for sharing them with your friends!