But what about all the men and women we know who are ambitious because they want to provide for their families. Healthy ambition can be downright selfless.
Good Things
“What does mamma want for you?” she asked her son tenderly.
A beautiful mom we respect very much invented a special series of questions for her son. Her goal? To counteract the negative influence of someone in her family who constantly undermines her.
Most families can relate to the problem of having adults around your child make negative remarks about your parenting.
Whether it’s well-meaning grandparents, in-laws, clueless relatives, or exes, someone always seems to be the parenting armchair quarterback. Somehow they think they’re more of an expert on your child than you are.
Our friend’s son was so tiny. At first she had to give him the answer.
“Good things.”
Soon, he answered her question each time with confidence and a twinkle in his eye. To her credit, she boosted her son’s confidence and strengthened their relationship without ever saying one bad word about the adult culprit. For more tips, here’s another single and strong (and really wise) friend.
In this episode, we talk about the challenges of motivating boys vs. girls. Plus, we left a “mistake.” Sure, our Producer Roy could’ve fixed Anna’s accidental comment, but I thought you might enjoy hearing the unvarnished ambition she has for YOU. Also she shares some amazing stuff about one of my favorite people in all the world—her hubby. More FREE podcasts.Good Ambitions
We all want good things for our kids.
“That’s where I’m most ambitious,” says Anna. “I desperately, more than anything else in this world, want good things for them. It’s so much easier to be sacrificial for my adorable children.”
I like what Mark 8:36 says about success:
“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?”
We certainly want to set the stage so our kids succeed at providing for themselves and their loved ones. And not just the basic material needs, but emotional and spiritual well-being as well.
Camp Krafve Definition of Ambitious
Of course, managing our ambition is a lifelong process. Clearly, life-long learning appears frequently in conversations with Anna and me. So, we came up with a definition of healthy ambition we hope gives you freedom to embrace your own ambition.
Especially if your ambition is to motivate your kids toward good things.
Camp Krafve Definition of Ambitious—a spark of desire fueled by the gumption to seek and share good things.
Good Points About Ambition
Anna made so many good points about ambition in this conversation, I’m forced to summarize in today’s blog. If you listen in to the podcast you’ll hear her expound on all of this. Or FIND THE FULL ARTICLE.