Who doesn’t need some fresh ideas for Easter, especially if you’re hoping to inspire faith in the hearts of little ones? And have some fun in the process. Here are a few ideas from Camp Krafve for our little ones.

Easter Ideas #1: Fairy Friends
What in the world has something as silly as fairy friends have to do the resurrection of our Savior who paid for our sins with His death on the cross? Good question.
This could be the silliest Easter idea I’ve ever had. But my grands and I are having so much fun in our fairy garden right now, it’s spilled over to Resurrection Day.
If you listen in to the many conversations Anna and I have on Fireside Talk Radio you may have heard us say often, Imagination is the foundation of compassion. (In my book The Well, I explore the many ways Jesus’ method for sparking imagination can lead to compassion and changed communities.)
It’s impossible to love other people if you don’t have empathy. Empathy forms when we are able to imagine other people’s challenges.
Try to Imagine Such Love
So, we’re big believers in imagination as a tool to teach kids empathy and compassion. How can you imagine Jesus’s death on the cross, heaven, eternity, if you’ve never been taught to let your mind imagine the unlikely? Find out how you can know Jesus in a personal, life-changing way.
Plus, I loved the ideas fairies in our garden as a kid. Among my grands, some know we’re pretending and others still wonder if fairies could really be true. We’ll let them wonder a little longer.
All the while we talk about how an amazing God created the first garden with tender, thoughtful love. And set salvation in motion from before the beginning of humanity.
Easter Ideas #2: Bunnies and Chicks

Seriously, I had just about eliminated the Easter Bunny from all our Resurrection Day festivities and replaced him with lambs.
However, one of my grands loves bunnies, so, POOF! We’re back to bunnies in all our decor for every season. Now, we buy bunny paper plates at Easter to use all year long.
Plus, when our girls were tiny, my dad borrowed baby chicks for our girls. What a big treat!
Anyway, I really LOVE all the little critters God made. Especially out here in the country where we regularly spot bunnies, baby foxes, fawns, baby raccoons, birds, butterflies, you name it!
In summary, if your kids or grands have favorite animals, why not incorporate them into all your decorations? Just for the fun of it. Besides, animals teach kids compassion and responsibility. What’s not to like?
Cathy Krafve, host of Fireside Talk Radio and author of The Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations and Marriage Conversation: From Coexisting to Cherished. We welcome your stories, ideas, and questions at https://cathykrafve.com/contact-cathy-krafve/.