Easter is the perfect time to spring into hope! New beginnings and joy are just what we need.
We are all pretty sick of the dark cloud of COVID. Is it just me or does everyone seem ready for a little sunshine?

Then this week, a storm tore through and knocked down one of my favorite habitats in my yard: The honey bee tree. You never know what will happen next.
Are we prepared to handle inevitable change with joy? How do we shake off a long, dull season of anxiety and isolation?
Today, Andy Clapp joins us to tell his story. You’re going to love the way he embraces daily opportunities, creating joy all around him.
Of course, Jesus is more than a story you hear at Easter. His life, His death, and His resurrection can change everything, if we let them. Find more about a relationship with the living Savior, Jesus.
“What I’ve realized over the years is that if you walk through the doors God opens, He’ll just open more. A lot of times he’ll just open bigger and better ones. You just keep walking through them,” Andy begins.
Weeding the Garden
Andy compares prioritizing joy to “weeding the garden.”
“We fall victim to wasted time, wasted opportunities, and busted relationships because there’s no intentionality in it,” reports Andy.
Andy explains how he began to trust God with not only outcomes or answers to prayer, but also the process of being close to God as well.
“I began to weed some of that stuff out of my life,” he says. “You know, Jesus had to withdraw from the crowds at times and pray. If He needed that connection with the Father, how much more do we need it? I learned to rely more on Christ and spending that time really getting away from it all.”
Numbering Our Days for New Beginnings and Joy
Life can get overwhelming even when it’s good stuff swamping us. So, how do we find joy even when priorities overwhelm us? Find MORE from ANDY HERE.
🐣 Happy Resurrection Day from Our Family to Yours! 🐣
We count YOU every time we count our blessings!
P.S. Andy got me missing North Carolina. Naturally, I’m sending a special shout out to my dear North Carolina friend, Mary Eloise. Hugs to you and all your family, dear friend!
Plus, a special thanks to our friends at ETWG for laughing with me at last Monday’s meeting. What a treat to be together! They have regular meetings filled with laughter, training, and lots of fellow writers in East Texas.
We LOVE to hear from YOU!
How does Jesus’ resurrection change everything for you? What are your favorite sacred stories to share? Which priorities will you change this Spring?
May we pray together?
Dear good Father, we praise You! Only the King of Heaven could put death in its place! You alone are the Author and Giver of Life! You restore our soul. From You, we learn to live with purpose. Teach us to number our days, to prioritize our time here. Thank You for bringing Andy on the show to bless us. Help us honor You in our families, among our friends. Open our eyes to the ways You want to bless complete strangers with joy from YOU! We want new beginnings in every aspect of life. New growth, please, dear Lord. Teach us to abide in Your beautiful Spirit. Bless us now because that is Your heart’s desire. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Finally, Our Bees
Our bees’ home landed on my front porch. Already two bee keeping friends have come by to help us find a new home for my special buzzy friends! I will miss them very much! 🐝 🐝 🐝 Next week, an update on our bees with pix.
Cathy Krafve, host of Fireside Talk Radio and author of The Well: The Art of Drawing Out Authentic Conversations and Marriage Conversation: From Coexisting to Cherished. We welcome your stories, ideas, and questions at https://cathykrafve.com/contact-cathy-krafve/.
❤️ Truth with a Texas Twang! ❤️
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