Maps and Signs: Boost Your Child’s Reading Confidence with Anna Krafve Pierce
A close up of Anna's map with Cardinal Directions and a few creative sea creatures. In this version, Florida is in the east!

In this episode, Anna shares a bunch of fun personal stories about how to encourage children to move from reading reluctant to book nerd status.

“I love maps. And I absolutely believe they are more fun to read than other things. Because inevitably maps have monsters and treasure at the end. They’re so exciting.”

Maps and Signs

Anna, our artist daughter, called some of her projects, “TV art” because drawing and painting kept her from being bored while the family watched TV when she was a child.

One night, she made a map of the United States of America with sea creatures and all kinds of traditional cartographic embellishes.

One small problem. Florida was on the left. 

“The whole thing was backwards. Mirror image. Not the words, just the continent,” she laughs. Of course, our family wasn’t the least bit surprised. Anna always had a knack for seeing the world from a different perspective. 

Shown above: A partial close up of Anna’s map with Cardinal Directions and a few creative sea creatures. In this one, Florida is in the east!

Maybe you, too, are raising a child who looks at life in a fresh new way. Perhaps, your child’s brain isn’t tracking as well as you’d like when it comes to reading.

If so you can find the whole article including some great ideas about ways to make reading fun with maps and signs for your kiddoes!





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A Semi-retired Mom, Queen of Fun, and Coffee Cup Philosopher Cathy Krafve pulls in exciting guests from all walks of life who rejoice in deeply spiritual truths.

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