Sci-Fi: Bring Generations Together at Church

Since its good Friday, like me, you’re probably thinking about the battle between good and evilJason Karpf returns to stir our imagination about better conversations at church, starting in the youth group. What’s a great way to bring generations together at church? Sci-fi!

The whole time Jason Karpf and I talked, I thought, The Holy Spirit is the true SuperHero. If only we trusted in His super power! Yet, how do we convey that truth to a suffering culture?

Jesus resurrection ensures forgiveness for sin and victory over evil. But it can seem like our culture never got the memo.

Leading Worship

As a worship leader himself, Jason encourages churches to learn from rock and pop music.

“I’m a worship musician,” says Jason, a bass and guitar player. “I love when the Spirit flows; to take all my training and experience and use it to glorify the Lord. I look to the history of music in the church in the last 50 years, of embracing rock and pop, as my driver for my sci-fi ministry.”

Jason’s collaboration with churches is all about bringing generations together and bolstering the ministry of the church graciously hosting him. 

“I’m very proud to say Christian Sci-fi Night bridges generations. I get dads bringing their teenage kids in; I get grandparents with their kids who are middle school and up.”

“It’s about not having a lot of preconceived notions as to how we do church,” he says. “Let me just be real clear, this is not some hippy-dippy kind of approach where maybe we’ll bring up Jesus in the whisper at the end so we don’t offend anyone. No. This is Christian Sci-Fi Night. This is all Jesus, all the time.”

Read the full article HERE.

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A Semi-retired Mom, Queen of Fun, and Coffee Cup Philosopher Cathy Krafve pulls in exciting guests from all walks of life who rejoice in deeply spiritual truths.

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With her never-met-a-stranger attitude, Cathy asks "Why learn stuff the hard way, when experts want to share wisdom with us for free."

A columnist, speaker, writer, small business owner, education connoisseur, and middle class philanthropist, Cathy brings all her experience together to ask the questions we all want to know.

Like a friend you met for coffee, Cathy's guests share practical strategies for marriage, family, community, and life.

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