Storytelling Teaches Discernment: Summer Series with Anna
2 children read next to pictures of Cathy's parents in their childhood.On the right--Our family loves these pictures of my parents from their youth. Oh, the stories!

Social media is swamping us with stories. False? True? Who knows?

However, teaching our children to tell stories allows them to listen to other people’s stories with enthusiasm and compassion. But, better yet, it also trains them in discernment.

Camp Krafve Definition of Discernment - the ability to process wisely all the information coming at us. 

Storytelling and Family

We used to beg my dad to tell family stories. Now we are repeating those hilarious, sometimes tender, stories to another generation.

This podcast is the second in our Podcast Summer Series, created especially for YOU! So sit back and enjoy a little laughter and a break from the summer heat.

Read the full srticle HERE.

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Connect with Cathy

A Semi-retired Mom, Queen of Fun, and Coffee Cup Philosopher Cathy Krafve pulls in exciting guests from all walks of life who rejoice in deeply spiritual truths.

Warning: You may feel guilty pleasure for listening in on these sparky conversational adventures.

With her never-met-a-stranger attitude, Cathy asks "Why learn stuff the hard way, when experts want to share wisdom with us for free."

A columnist, speaker, writer, small business owner, education connoisseur, and middle class philanthropist, Cathy brings all her experience together to ask the questions we all want to know.

Like a friend you met for coffee, Cathy's guests share practical strategies for marriage, family, community, and life.

Why? Because all women deserve a break. By a break, we mean a minute alone with a strong cup of coffee and good podcast. For more great shows go to

Click below to visit her blog!

Marriage Conversations. Available Now on Amazon!

The Well. Available Now on Amazon!