Change the Conversation, Change the Life
Sylvia Baker, Marsha Mosely and Cathy at Martin’s Chapel Church of the Nazarene.

About 4 weeks ago I met Sylvia Baker. Beautiful. Unpretentious. Servant-hearted.

God is taking Sylvia down an unexpected path. I’ll let her tell her story. You know where to find her.

Instead, I’ll tell you how she inspired me.

About a year ago, I was feeling burned out from all the work of getting my first two books published. Plus, creating weekly blogs and podcasts. I knew I needed to give myself permission to breathe.

Plus, we have 9 grandchildren. It can’t possibly be God’s will for me to be so “busy with ministry” that I miss my chance to love and spend time with these beloved young ones.

Logo for Christian Communicators Graduates.

Anna and I met Sylvia through Christian Communicators. (If God is calling you to speak, definitely check them out.) We loved her instantly.

When Sylvia found out I am an East Texas girl, too, she immediately invited me to speak to the Tuesday Girls in her church, The Martin’s Chapel Church of the Nazarene, where her hubby, David, is pastor. The church is a little intercessory oasis in our Piney woods.

Change the Conversation, Change the Life

Click the link below to find out what I shared about:

  • How God sees us,
  • Why men should listen to women,
  • Why women have seeking and sharing wisdom in their DNA,
  • What it means to worship in Spirit and Truth.

Like I said, the video is short but hopefully, life-changing. Or, read the full article HERE.

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A Semi-retired Mom, Queen of Fun, and Coffee Cup Philosopher Cathy Krafve pulls in exciting guests from all walks of life who rejoice in deeply spiritual truths.

Warning: You may feel guilty pleasure for listening in on these sparky conversational adventures.

With her never-met-a-stranger attitude, Cathy asks "Why learn stuff the hard way, when experts want to share wisdom with us for free."

A columnist, speaker, writer, small business owner, education connoisseur, and middle class philanthropist, Cathy brings all her experience together to ask the questions we all want to know.

Like a friend you met for coffee, Cathy's guests share practical strategies for marriage, family, community, and life.

Why? Because all women deserve a break. By a break, we mean a minute alone with a strong cup of coffee and good podcast. For more great shows go to

Click below to visit her blog!

Marriage Conversations. Available Now on Amazon!

The Well. Available Now on Amazon!