Reading Out Loud: Your Childrenā€™s Big Advantage
Inspiring Flashlight Readers CathyKrafve.comPictured to the right, one of our dear granddaughters in her library tent. šŸ„°


Year round, I piled classic books around the house to entice them to read with me. In Texas, August and September are too hot to play outside for long. After school, a relaxing book read out loud by Mom is a great way to cool off. 

Whenever I homeschooled anybody, as part of our designated plan, I literally set aside the 3 coldest winter months for nothing but reading out loud in front of the fire.

Anna fondly remembers learning to read out loud. 

“When we first began, we would read a word and you would read a word. Then we would read a page and you would read a page. When we got good enough, we would read a chapter and then you would read a chapter,” explains Anna. 

At first, my kids didn’t love reading out loud. But they quickly did the math. Four people meant we only read 1 in 4 chapters. As young readers, they liked the way the story moved more quickly when we read together.

“Then, later we did it with the neighbor kids who were a little younger than us,” recalls Anna.

Read the full article HERE.

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A Semi-retired Mom, Queen of Fun, and Coffee Cup Philosopher Cathy Krafve pulls in exciting guests from all walks of life who rejoice in deeply spiritual truths.

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