The Month of Love: Is Racial Unity Even Possible? with Ben Sciacca

Dr. Gordon and Ben Sciacca, Imagine working in Chicago’s infamous Cook County juvie jail. Additionally, try to imagine the bitterness on both sides of the bars. You gotta wonder if racial unity is even possible. Could a young white male make a difference? Naturally, some folks might label Ben Sciacca as too idealistic for his own good. (Pictured above with Dr. Anthony Gordon.) Certainly, change happened. Mostly in him, Ben says now with a chuckle.


Racial Unity: Being a Peacemaker is Risky

In fact, Ben says being a peacemaker always involves risk. Why? Because making peace means stepping out where peace has been compromised. As a result, Ben labels those willing to take a risk for peace, like Dr. Gordon, as “solutionaries.” Dr. Gordon started Restoration Academy in response to educational injustice in their community. Ben serves as Executive Director. Clearly, justice closely ties to to education.

Because justice undergirds peace, peace-making is riskier than peacekeeping. Peace-keeping guards the status quo. On the other hand, peacemaking creates risk for those who seek to restore justice.

A Page-turner

Perhaps you read Ben’s best-selling book, Meals from Mars, which he calls a parable. I call it genius. Especially relevant, in the book he invites us to think past our own skin pigment, grasping different perspectives. Yep, the book’s a page-turner. A well-meaning white guy delivers food to a kindly black grandmother in a dangerous neighborhood. Then, the oldest grandson, a studious kid, gets slammed into a carjacking situation with the white guy.

However, this is not some do-gooder’s fantasy. No, Ben lives, walks, and breathes the lifestyle of reconciliation with his family in Birmingham in all aspects of their life, particularly through the justice-restoring education ministry, Restoration Academy. (Interested in a similar school in East Texas? See Promise Academy.)

“At Restoration Academy, we believe that every child in the Birmingham area deserves an excellent, Christ-centered education. Our mission is to provide this opportunity through advancing the two greatest commandments in the life of every student: to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love others as ourselves,” according to their website.

More Wisdom on Reconciliation

On Fireside Talk Radio, Ben shared with me how his preconceived ideas were challenged the young men he met in juvie jail. They challenged him to think about reconciliation and justice in a whole new way. We called that episode, Racial Unity, with Meals from Mars author, Ben Sciacca.

In the episode we call Racial Unity: Meals from Mars, When Two Universes Collide with Ben Sciacca, he offers practical advice on creating unity in our communities and teaching our kids to cherish the diversity of the human race.. 

Shalom means Peace with Delight

Most of all, what can we do to promote reconciliation? Anything simple and easy that might make a difference on the tough issue of racism? You bet! Most importantly, Ben offers insight on “Shalom, peace that makes harmony and delight in all our relationships.” Ben suggests that Biblical peace begins with the secret of seeking it first in our own hearts.

As he shares about the challenge of living in his neighborhood, he enthusiastically lists benefits that his wife and children share because he followed his heart and God’s leading. Eighteen years as an educator at Restoration Academy have cemented this good man’s love for his diverse community.

If you wonder what you could do to help heal our nation’s schism over race, you will want more practical and perceptive insight from Ben. I suggest reading his book today.

May I pray for you?

Dear Father, You love Your children, all of us. You delight in the way You made each one of us unique. Help us, O Lord, put aside our foolishness to love each other with grateful hearts. Thank You for giving insight to our leaders. Now favor good men and women with Your wisdom and power. Thank you for all those seeking to create justice for those who have not received educational opportunity. Strengthen us as a people. We look to You for peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

I love to hear from you!

What have you done to make peace in our community? What do you wish could happen to create reconciliation?

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Cathy Krafve, Texas Author, Columnist, Speaker, and Radio Host, focusing on fellowship in Christian Marriage and Family, invites your stories, ideas, and questions at Truth with a Texas Twang.

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