AT HEAVENS DOOR- What Shared Journeys to The Afterlife Teach About Dying and Living Better

At Heavens Door gives us real life experiences of shared crossings. In 2000, end-of-life therapist Willam Peters was volunteering at a hospice when he had an extraordinary experience. As he read aloud to an unconscious patent, Peter suddenly felty himself floating midair, completely out of his body. At that moment, he saw the patient fully awake and radiant, look at I'm and smile. Peter shares his own Near Death experiences with us as well as many amazing stories of loved ones departing this earth. His website is 

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About Nancy

I feel blessed to do the work that I love, as an intuitive life coach, author, inspirational speaker and radio host. My spiritual work has enabled me to help many people to live the life they desire! This work has brought me great joy and inspired me to do even more!

My faith in the Lord is what motivates me to be a messenger to others. I have learned many things thus far in my lifetime and would like to share this knowledge with you!

 I feel that it is very important that I share my spiritual findings with you because I realize that if I had been given this wisdom in my early days different choices may have been made as a result. Although every day is a learning experience my hope is that on High Road to Humanity (Podcast) and in my Magazine articles, Books and Videos, I can share some of those life changing secrets with you. The goal is for this wisdom to flourish to those who want to get on that High Road a little bit quicker and enjoy a much smoother ride!

Throughout the years my spiritual education has grown. My formal training has come through many invaluable religious and spiritual teachers, in New Mexico, Michigan, California and Mexico and real-life experiences!

My intuitive abilities through mediation and prayer have enhanced my gifts. My schooling encompasses hands on energy healing with an Aztec healer from Mexico as well as intuitive coaching and public speaking.

I am the Owner and Qualifying Broker of The Harville Estates Real Estate & Development LLC, Owner of Energy Girl Publishing LLC., and author of, Wake Up! The Universe Is Speaking to You, featured monthly article in The Eden Magazine. I host a weekly Podcast High Road to Humanity every Wednesday where my guests share their wisdom.

I am happily married to the love of my life. We are blessed with two wonderful daughters and three fabulous grand children who keep us both young.

Nancy's Website

My Credentials 

  • Sales Coordinator for General Motors Corporation
  • Sales Manager for muliple Specialty Leather and Fur Stores 
  • Owner and Qualifying Broker of The Harville Estates Real Estate & Development LLC
  • Owner of Energy Girl Publishing LLC. 
  • Author of,  Wake Up! The Universe Is Speaking to You
  • Author of Feartured Monthly Articles In Eden Magazine
  • Motivational/Inspirational Speaker world wide
  • Intutive Personal Coach
  • Intutive Reader
  • God's Messenger

Througout the years I have enhanced my own my intuitve abiblites through meditation and prayer, and faith in God thus obtaining many invaluable tools for life. The tibetan monks have influenced my teachings greatly as had Billy Graham and Edgar Cacey and Louise Hay. My gifts include intutive card readings, Intuitive Life Coaching and speaking my wisdom to help others. May the Lord bless you and keep you always.
