Wee Speech is a private practice owned and operated by two Speech and Language Pathologists, Laura Drower and Julie Levin.
Wee Speech has been serving the north suburban Chicago area since 1989. Their services include speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and social work. They are also participating providers in the Illinois State Early Intervention Program
Julie Levin M.S. is an NDT certified speech and language pathologist with many years of experience working with babies and young children. Special areas of interest include literacy, oral motor /feeding and developing communication and early speech skills in the neurologically involved child.
For more information, visit www.weespeech.comMarcella Stretch is the founder of Parents of Deployed Service Members Facebook Support Group also known as PODS. She is a military mom of 2 Veterans and has experienced the deployment of one son in 2009-2010 to Iraq. As things stand now, she expects to experience another deployment next year to Afghanistan with her other son.
PODS provides support to other Parents going thru the uncertainty of deployment by sharing information that would make their experience a little smoother. The group is comprised of military parents of deployed service members dealing with first, second or even third deployments. This group was created on Facebook September 26, 2009 and has grown to over 1,000 members.
This group is open to all parents, grandparents, god-parents, step-parents, mothers/fathers-in-law, and surrogate parents of deployed service-members of ALL branches of service.
They not only support our troops by sending them care packages and birthday cards, they are also a strong support to each other.
For more information, Search Parents of Deployed Service-Members on FacebookLegally blind writer Daniel Saynuk has a special fondness for guide dogs. His own beloved guide dog helps him more easily live his life in his home town of Baltimore, Maryland. Daniel began writing stories while pursuing his Business Administration degree, and established his own company to bring this book to life. He is passionate about educating others about the valuable services guide dogs provide to the visually impaired.
Learn How Guide Dogs Help The Blind In This Coloring Book is a fun and unique coloring book is a great way to introduce children to the world of a guide dog. Help educate your child while they have fun with Guide Doggie! Meet Guide Doggie when he is a puppy, then follow him on his adventures during guide dog training. Learn what a guide dog does during the day, including the chores he completes for his handlers in order to keep Guide Doggie ready to serve. Your child will learn how guide dogs help the blind live more independently, and how dogs can be heroes too!
For more information visit www.danielsaynuk.com
Military Mom Talk Radio is co-hosted by Sandra Beck and Robin Boyd, hosted by Toginet Radio and powered by Motherhood Incorporated. Military Mom Talk Radio supports and helps bring information to the families, moms and wives of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard and is dedicated to serving our friends and family in the Armed Service. We are proud supporters and members of the Military Writers Society of America as well as proud supporters of Operation Gratitude, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), Shining Service Worldwide, Fisher House and the Girl Scouts of the USA and Boy Scouts of America.
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