Do you understand your connection to the spirit world? How would connecting to loved ones who have passed on help you to heal, grow and maintain a healthy, joyful mindset, and even help others who are hurting?
During this episode, your host Marla Tabaka, will speak with Psychic-Medium and Toginet sister, Silvia Rossi. Silvia is here to help you connect, share her wisdom and answer your questions!
Throughout her life Silvia has experienced communications from spirit side. In her childhood and through her teen years she had numerous encounters with apparitions of the deceased. These profound experiences made Silvia acutely aware that this life was only one phase in the eternal journey of the soul.
During her years 17 years of sharing her gift professionally Silvia has taught classes, helping others understand their connection to the spirit world. She has appeared as a guest on the Sally Jesse Rafael Show and worked with the police, helping them solve cold cases and murder cases. Silvia has had the difficult task and honor, of working with families and support groups of the victims of September 11th.
Are you holding on to grief, unanswered questions, fear for someone who is no longer here in the physical world?
Call into the show for this rare opportunity for Silvia to help you heal your sadness.