Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter, YouTube; how many places can you be at once! The world of social media may feel overwhelming but if you break it down, make some informed choices, and gather credible information and education, developing a presence in social media is an achievable (and necessary) goal for today’s business owner.
Joining us today is one of the pioneers of this cyberspace medium known as social media. Chris Brogan has 12 years experience in social media, having started blogging back in 1998, when it was called “journaling.” Today he is the president of Human Business Works, a media and education company. He consults and speaks professionally with Fortune 100 and 500 companies like PepsiCo, General Motors, Microsoft, and more, about the intersection of business, technology and media. He is a New York Times bestselling co-author of Trust Agents, and a featured monthly columnist at Entrepreneur Magazine.
Chris is going to share his insights on Google+, an advance look at the information you will find in his most recent book, the soon-to-be-released Google+ for Business: How Google's Social Network Changes Everything.
We’ll also take a look at how the social media platforms differ and how to determine which one(s) are right for you!
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