Suzanne Duret has climbed mountains - literally. And she's done no less in the world of business. Duret founded a total of seven companies and has consulted with CEO's within hundreds of small and mid-sized businesses. The foreward of her book, Inventing For Wealth, was written by none other than Tony Robbins. And Suzanne knows first-hand the challenges and doubts that every woman in business must maneuver.
Join your Million Dollar Mindset host, business coach Marla Tabaka, as she discusses those challenges, and their solutions, with Suzanne. How is a solopreneur who is trading time for dollars capable of scaling her business? What about the doubt, fear and other internal challenges? We'll address these topics and more on today's show!
And, as a special surprise, learn more about Suzanne's week-long telesummit focusing on proven techniques to accelerate success in your career, relationships and self-esteem. Enjoy a sneak preview of what Suzanne and her panel of twelve experts will offer during this free telesummit, Climb the Mountain, Plant Your Flag and Prosper.
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