According to Harvard integrative physician, Dr. Sara Gottfried, most entrepreneurs don't reach their optimal level of success due to substandard food, exercise, insight, and supplements. Dr. Sara has a simple, yet rigorously-proven formula, to turn around your success and prevent burnt toast -- that feeling of burnout and/or overwhelm that's common among mission-driven individuals.
Join your host, business coach Marla Tabaka, as she speaks with Dr. Sara about her proprietary root-cause analysis and 3-Step Gottfried
Protocol to turn around any neurohormonal problem that may be holding you back from realizing your mission. In this show you'll learn Dr. Sara's secrets, including:
1) How to manage your neurohormonal dashboard and define the needle movers for you
2) Ways to cultivate insight that take seconds but deflate perceived stress, which sometimes involves the help of dark chocolate (!) to optimize metabolism and energy
3) Proven supplements you most need to shift from surviving to thriving.
Dr. Sara is the author of The Hormone Cure: Reclaim Balance, Sleep, Sex Drive, and Vitality Naturally with The Gottfried Protocol to be published in March, 2013.
Join Marla on Million Dollar Mindset Every Monday at
1pm CT, 2pm ET, 11am ET & 12pm MT
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