No one can argue the fact that LinkedIn is a powerful tool for business owners and job seekers. But how does one keep up with all of the updates and changes? In addition to an ever-changing environment there's social media etiquette to abide by and strategies to apply. Yikes!
Well, that's why we have the experts. In this episode of The Million Dollar Mindset, Marla Tabaka speaks with LinkedIn consultant Wayne Breitbarth. Wayne has shared his passion for social media with thousands of business professionals through private business consulting and dynamic presentations to local and national audiences over the past four years. He's also the author of the #1 LinkedIn book on Amazon since May of 2011, The Power Formula for LinkedIn Success: Kick-start Your Business, Brand, and Job Search.
Learn how to avoid the most common mistakes, use the latest features, and make money by using LinkedIn.
Questions? Send them to Marla at or call into the live show on Monday, October 8th at 2pm ET. 877-864-4869
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