Do you talk yourself out of potentially great ideas? Don't worry, that's all part of the cycle. You heard me right. You may believe that if you got that one great idea, all of your problems would be solved. But that's not really true.
People get fabulous ideas all of the time but they just don't follow through. Maybe these ideas could lead to a solution to their problems but many will never know. Doubt and fear are just a part of a cycle and you can break the pattern and make your ideas happen!
In today's show your host,business coach Marla Tabaka, will talk about the stages that she has witnessed hundreds of people go through. Some get their ideas successfully off the ground, many do not.
But it doesn't have to be that way. Everyone has doubts about their ideas and their ability to execute them and the people who do succeed have a secret. You'll learn about it today, along with how you can cross that line from let down and disappointment to success!
Call in today if you would like to participate in the on-air discussion.
Join Marla every Monday on Million Dollar Mindset at 1pm CT, 2pm ET, 11am PT & 12pm MT
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