Every single day we are faced with the task of persuading others. It could be as simple as dealing successfully with a rude customer service rep. It might be closing the sale with the big but elusive client. It might be something as mundane as getting your spouse to take out the trash!
And every single day, we face resistance. We might even see the other person as an adversary and tend to resort to manipulation and coercion in an effort to win, to get our way. But this mentality will net only short term results… if even that!
There’s a better way. A much better way that creates both immediate and long-term sustainable results. Helping people make decisions that are not only in your best interest, but in alignment with their best interests as well, is the way to go. Doing this effectively, consistently, and predictably, however, takes influence.
Great influencers — whether CEOs, entrepreneurs, sales professionals, clergy, parents, teachers, etc. — seem to have a knack for getting the results they want from people, but in a way that everyone is happy. And, these leaders are persuasive in the most positive and benevolent sense of the word. And, while, for some it might be natural, for most of us it’s a set of learned skills.
Fortunately, they are both simple to learn and easy to apply. In this chat with your host and success coach Marla Tabaka, Bob Burg, best-known as coauthor of the international bestseller, The Go-Giver, shows us how to take our influence to an entirely new level utilizing the Five Principles of Ultimate Influence found in his latest book, Adversaries into Allies, Win People Over Without Manipulation or Coercion.
Call in today if you would like to participate in the on-air discussion.
Join Marla every Monday on Million Dollar Mindset at 1pm CT, 2pm ET, 11am PT & 12pm MT