Everyone has a so-called "comfort zone." It's that mental space where you've created boundaries and feel a sense of emotional security in your work and decision making. Some people will push these boundaries so they grow and thrive, and others stay in their comfort zone without inviting challenges and growth into certain areas of their life.
What distinguishes successful people from everyone else is what they do with their comfort zone. There are those who are perfectly happy staying warm and cozy in this safe box they've built; and then are those who constantly push and test the limits.
Find out which type of comfort zone you live in. Is it healthy or is it holding you back from the things you want in life and business? How can you stretch the confines of a limiting comfort zone? Business and life coach Marla Tabaka will take you on a tour of your comfort zone to explore how it serves or limits you.
Call in today if you would like to participate in the on-air discussion.
Join Marla every Monday on Million Dollar Mindset at 1pm CT, 2pm ET, 11am PT & 12pm MT
Would you like the opportunity to grow your business with Marla? Contact her at marla@marlatabaka.com
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