Most of the ingredients for the perfect Thanksgiving are easily gathered, but many people struggle with (or forget) the "thanks" part. Silly, since that's what Thanksgiving is really about. Yet expressing gratitude does not come easily for everyone.
In her years of coaching entrepreneurs Marla Tabaka finds that entrepreneurs easily neglect to offer adequate thanks to their employees. Sure, they are paid for doing their job, but that doesn't eliminate their need for recognition, thanks, and praise. And what about family and friends? How verbal are you about showing gratitude to them?
Turn over a new leaf this year by devoting time to think about the special gifts and qualities brought into your life by each of your family members, friends, and employees. Then take the next big step: Show your gratitude in a meaningful way. Your thoughtfulness will go a long way!
Marla's recipe for the perfect Thanksgiving Day.
1 large golden-brown turkey and all the trimmings
1 bunch of good friends and happy family
1 fireplace containing a crackling fire
1 good dose of football
1 (or more) tables set for a celebration
1 house filled with laughter
Mix all above ingredients into many hearts filled with gratitude. Savor and enjoy the day!
For more powerful insights and resources read Marla's articles at
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