Are you experiencing the “Big Blank?” Feeling empty, dissatisfied or bored? According to author Michelle Gamble-Risley, women ages 35-60 often experience these feelings, wondering “is this all there is?” Michelle says that the “Big Blank” is often rooted in major life change, but often sneaks up gradually, for no known reason.
Is it time to make a change? Not sure where to begin? Today Michelle is going to introduce us to Second Bloom: 10 Steps to Reinvent, Rejuvenate, and Realize a New Life. We will learn about the power of making a plan using the Second Bloom template and how to create a bold and daring vision for your future.
Michelle Gamble-Risley and her co-author, Anne Marie Smith have presented Second Bloom workshops around the US to help inspire women to take their lives from anemic to awesome. Are you next?
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