Today, growing numbers of people suffer from excessive stress; leading to eventual burn-out. As a society we have become increasingly overworked, unfocused, and too busy to stop and ask ourselves the most important question: What can we do to break the cycle of information overload, nonstop distractions and high-pressure always-on schedules?
Jacqueline Carter, co-author of ONE SECOND AHEAD: Enhance Your Performance at Work with Mindfulness, says that all it takes to train the brain to respond differently to today's constant pressures and distraction is one second.
Join your host, Marla Tabaka, along with Jacqueline Carter, to learn how you can put an end to ineffective multitasking, unproductive meetings, poor communication, and other unhealthy workplace behaviors by applying mindfulness to your every day work life. And remember, one, single second.
For more help with your business make sure to see Marla's articles at Inc. magazine online.
or contact Marla for a FREE consultation:
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