If you have ever had a feeling inside that something was not quite right ... or you have had a feeling that you just had to go with an idea even though it didn't really make sense! Well, this has been your intuition at work. It is your unconscious mind or the spiritual part of of you, speaking to you.
As you grow in your understanding of this, you will begin to realise the amazing power you have at your finger tips!
Today's Note to Self ~Remember today, that within me lies a magical gift which holds the answer to every challenge, worry or fear I may face ... my intuition~
My guest this week on Nature Speaks Speak is Jenni B from www.psychicdilemma.com
Jenni is an extremely talented, Melbourne based psychic who has been reading for more than 20 years. She works through her guides to channel psychic information, and the powerful path of the Tarot.
Jenni says, "I am very passionate about empowering my clients, getting them to feel right about themselves, being comfortable with who they are, and loving and respecting themselves. I like to keep my clients focussing in on their strengths, enabling them to overcome any challenges they are having so they can make positive changes and get real results.
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