Did you know that only 2% of people truly succeed 'big time' in this life ... and all of them have achieved their success through learning PERSISTENCE.
Believe me, I have had to learn this key to success massively over the last few years! The number of times that I have thrown my hands in the air and screamed to the world, 'I give up!' The number of times I have cried tears of frustration and despair! But, after each moment of 'giving up', I knew that I had to just pick myself up one more time, and take one more step towards my powerful desire, believing without a doubt that if I had been given the desire, then I would also be given the means by which to succeed.
If I was serious about creating true prosperity in my life ... then I was going to have to learn PERSISTENCE, and keep on keeping on!
This week on Nature Spirits Speak, I share with you the reasons why most people fail to succeed, and then explain how to grow your persistence until you reach the mountaintop of your dreams.
Today’s Note to Self ™ ~Remember today, that my footsteps may feel deep in mud, but with persistence, I still move forward towards my dreams ~