Numerology - Life by the Numbers

Numerology - Life by the Numbers

Everyone is different, and we all have different needs when it comes to figuring out where we are headed and the best way of getting there! Numerology is another source of information that just may suit you, and help you unravel some of those questions you have about why certain things are happening … or not happening … right in this moment. My guest today will tell you that the numbers never lie, so I think it is certainly worth listening to see how Numerology can assist us.

We will discuss:

What is Numerology? How can a knowledge of this ancient system help us? How can we work out our very own number and what this means? Plus heaps more!

My guest: Henry Conlan

Fascinating and accurate, Henry Conlan’s life readings using the Pythagorean system of numerology will amaze you. Henry was attending a seminar on Edgar Cayce in 1977 where he met the famous numerologist Claire Barry who introduced him to the system and instructed him for over a year.  Convinced that he could offer the world positive guidance by the numbers, henry sold his business and headed for the u. S.  The following two years earned him international standing as he deftly conducted workshops at the celebrated Findhorn community, the 5th festival for mind and body at Olympia in London and again when he was invited by the Montessori school to teach curious believers in the numeric arts. He hasn’t slowed down since!

To contact Henry: Australia: 0419 708 642 USA: (15th May to 2nd August) 757 343 1928

Today’s Note to Self™ ~Remember today, that each of us carries a frequency which is uniquely our own … in its pure form, it vibrates happiness & health in abundance~

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Geraldine Teggelove Msc.D. is an ordained Minister in the World-Wide International Metaphysical Ministry. She is a respected intuitive, spiritual life coach, and healer.
Geraldine is also the author of the International best selling book ‘Beyond Broke – recover & flourish from financial meltdown’, and her latest book is titled ‘Today’s Note to Self – the secrets to living an extraordinary life’. Geraldine is also the author of the unique and highly successful Australian Feather Magic Oracle cards, Wild and Free Horse Affirmation cards and Paws to Reflect Dog Guidance cards.
As a singer/songwriter, Geraldine has released three albums of inspirational Celtic music. Each of her songs bring emotional healing to body, mind and spirit,  and teaches the lessons needed  in order for us to grow into the best we can be.
As a Keynote Speaker, Geraldine shares the wisdom of her journey from riches to rags and back to riches. Her style is entertaining, humorous and inspiring, and her words relay a message of hope.

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