The Power of Connecting to Your Angels!
We can all do with a little help in this journey of life and who better to help than those beautiful beings from the Angelic Realms.We have discussed this topic before on Nature Spirits Speak, but today we are going to search a little deeper. This week we will assist you to create your very own Angel Board of Directors. This magnificent team of Angels will assist you in overcoming those challenges and struggles you may be facing or experiencing, and attach wings to our dreams!
With my wonderful guest Angel Lady Terrie Marie, we will be chating about:
• The practical benefits of having an Angelic Board of Directors
• How can someone design an executive Board of Directors made up of Angels
• What is the simplest way of activating our Board of Directors
• Introduce a few angels and their specialties
• And discover how angels relate to our chakrasMy Guest: Angel Lady Terrie Marie, D.Ms.
Terrie Marie, D.Ms., the Angel Lady, has dedicated her life to helping Executives, Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Healers connect with their Angels raising their inner wealth frequency, attracting more of what they want and so much less of what they don’t.
As the Angel Lady, Terrie Marie specializes in helping her clients connect with their Angels to receive messages and guidance, release outdated mind-sets and beliefs showing them how to see, speak and act differently so they can attract more clients and income.
The power of what Terrie Marie D.Ms. teaches has helped clients from around the globe including Australia, South Africa, German, United Kingdom and Mexico.
Terrie Marie D.Ms. has the unique ability to connect and communicate with Angels which makes her a highly sought after Angel Coach.
Whether the Angel Lady is being interviewed or speaking to International audiences, her high energy ignites the atmosphere with her empowering message, unconditional love, and intuitive insights, she creates sacred space to transform goals and dreams into reality.
To Contact Terrie Marie: Website URL:
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