Stop Doing what is Not Serving You!
I want to say up front that today’s show is going to be quite challenging for many of us … but if we wish to move forward with our lives and create those dreams we have been longing for and working towards, then actually taking action on what I share with you today is critical! So many times in our lives we see repeated patterns of things that we really want to say goodbye too … but instead, we sit and say to ourselves, why is does this keep happening, or why am I drawing these experiences or people into my life over and over again? There must be something I can do to get off this merry-go-round that takes me back to the same old same old!!! The same negative relationships, the same health issues, the same career path, the same negative experiences!
Some people say that it is part of our life journey to go through what we see as negative experiences … but I say, do we have to experience them over and over again?
I mean to say, not sure about you, but once is enough for me, and I don’t need to go back and do it all again thank you very much! So what can we do about this? The trick is, to find out what our emotional needs are, and then learn to fulfil these needs in far more positive ways.
On today's show we will look at:
- what are our emotional needs
- how we feed our emotional needs
- how we recognise that we are fulfilling an emotional need in a not so positive way
- the steps we can take to turn things around and fulfil our emotional needs in positive ways on a daily basis.
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