Make Some LIVING Room
Starting up a new venture (the on-line radio show The Living Room) with six fabulous friends got me thinking.  
Our show is called The Living Room.

Two words:  living and room. 
Those two words have begged the question what am I doing to really make room to live?    
I need more LIVING room. 
Don't we all?!  
A favorite quote I know women love is the one that talks about life not being about the number of breaths you take but how many moments that take your breath way.  Well, breath-taking moments require space. They require living room.  Room to breath.  
Room to ponder, wonder. imagine, dream, hope, think, and feel.   
The older I get the busier I get.  And the harder I find it gets to carve out time to cherish breath-taking moments.   It's true.  Making room for memories--those joyful moments worth holding close to your heart--plain and simple, it takes effort.  
Recently, my family took a trip to Hawaii.  It had been planned for a year.  And it came and it went.  But sitting in the sand one day, under a tree outside our beach house with sun hat plopped on my head and book in hand, I soaked in all the beauty around me.  The clear, blue water.  The flowers on the trees I couldn't name but loved to smell.  My daughters snorkeling in the ocean.  My husband kayaking with my son.  After playing in the water with everyone, I set myself under the tree to sit and observe.  
Returning home, after 10 days of island bliss, it was crystal clear to me that I needed to enjoy my beach-day-moments.  But I needed living room so I could do it:
First, I cleaned out my closet.  I filled a truck with things we don't use or need anymore.  
Second, I let go of some anxieties and stress I'd been holding onto.  
Third, I forgave grievances I'd been carrying.    
I've decided not every day could be filled with island bliss but plenty of every day bliss is awaiting if I conscientiously make room to LIVE.
Living room is essential to finding lasting joy!
So, to keep those priceless memories made on the beaches of Oahu rich, vibrant, and joyful pieces of my soul, I'm carving out some living room.  I'm giving those memories room to live and breathe.
On a side note, I'm printing a few favorite photos from our trip to frame around the house.  I'm scrap-booking them, and in early morning meditations I'm letting my mind travel back to the island to enjoy being there in those moments.  
Yes, making "living" room is so important.  
So, what in your life needs more space to live and breathe?
Perhaps, it's time to sit back and imagine what you can do to make more "living" room. :))
Jodi Robinson   Jodi Robinson
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