My darling girl,
May you always be as confident and as vibrant as you are today. May you always "want to wear all the colors" and stand up to people when they say, "You don't match." May you know that you are beautiful in any outfit you wear and that your smile, your personality and your kindness for others truly makes you fully dressed, and dressed in style. May you know that my love for you is not dependent on what you wear (or if your hair is perfectly placed) and that my love for you is unconditional. May you also know that anyone who suggests you should look a certain way or wear a certain kind of clothes is not worthy of your time or your heart. Be you. And may you always be you BOLDLY and without apologies. I love watching who you are bravely becoming.
Cheering you on!
Love, Mom
Michelle McCullough is a speaker, strategist, success coach, serial entrepreneur and show host. In addition to The Living Room, Michelle also has a solo show called Make It Happen. She's the managing director for Startup Princess, an international organization for women entrepreneurs. She loves God, is married, has two kids and her secret love is sugar cereals.