Find Peace in Chaos

During this busy time of year, we yearn to feel the calm and joy of the season. Three simple practices-and they are practices-can help make that a reality.

1. Choose not to take offense. Being offended is an action we choose to "take on." Yes, there may be times when a person says or does something hurtful. However, thankfully, we get to choose our response. What I've found is that more often than not, daily people say or do things that they have no idea is offensive.

We can respond in a number of ways. One way is from the Japanese martial art of Aikido. In their practices is that of letting their opponents negative pass by rather than fight back. When someone is offensive, simply let it pass by and move forward. A more soul-searching response is to dig for a nugget of truth. It may be that the offense is a wake-up call to something we need to see within ourselves. If so, we've been blessed. If not, we can let it pass...

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