I've wanted to say something today and I couldn't put my finger on it or vocalize it well.
In the bible we read in John about Jesus Christ's first recorded miracle: The Wedding in Cana. They run out of wine at the wedding feast and Mary approaches Jesus to say, they're out of wine. Jesus responds "Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come." Then Mary goes to the servants and tells them to do whatever he asks. The story goes on to say that he tells them to fill the wine jugs with water and he turns it to wine.
While reading this story last year, I was deeply touched by the significance of his mother. She knew what he could do-even when he didn't think his time had yet come. Immediately I was overwhelmed with the thought that Mary was the perfect mother for Jesus. And then understood on a deep, deep level that my mother was the perfect mother for me.
My mother is the most amazing woman on the planet. Raised four kids on her own. When she and my father divorced she had four kids under the age of 8. She packed us up. Found a job and provided for our needs and wants without complaining. She taught us about happiness despite trials and to have faith always. I'll never forget that she said, "Do everything you can do and God will make up the difference." Like any mother/daughter relationship we had our hard times. I had a spell as a teenager where I'm sure she thought she wouldn't survive. But she didn't give up on me. As I've grown we've grown closer and now that I'm a mother I appreciate her so much more. There were times I was distant because of things I didn't understand, but she always remained close and ready. She's the perfect mother for me.
Just as your mother is the perfect mother for you. Good or bad, our mothers shape us. I spoke at a women's religious group this week and a group of sisters expressed their unfortunate upbringing from a less than caring mother. To that I say, she was yours to make you stronger. To see who you don't want to be, to make YOU the best woman you can be-despite your upbringing. It's amazing what this story has taught me about owning who are mothers are.
This year while at dinner my son had a gargantuan tantrum. Tensions were high in the whole family as I tried to patiently deal with the circumstances. A wave of emotion washed over me as that bible story came to my mind. I was chosen for him. Just as Mary was chosen as the mother of Jesus, I was chosen for this boy. I can hand this and every other experience that's thrown my way. I won't be perfect. I'll make mistakes. I'll have to apologize and yet that's all part of the process too. What goes right and how I fix what goes wrong is what matters in my motherhood to my children. I was picked for them.
Mother's Day is hard for some. I've had a fair share of Mother's Days that I loathed. The mother's days where I didn't feel connected to my mom in a way I would have liked. The days where I longed for a child and didn't have one despite the righteous desires of my heart, the Mother's Days where I felt less than and inadequate and didn't deserve the attention and the Mother's Days where I expected too much and then I felt let down because I was misguided on what this day should be.
Whether you welcome the day or hate it, I stand to celebrate the mothers that have been, the mothers that are and the mothers that will be. This is an important work. A hard work and as women, we get to own the all places God has planted us at this time. We were meant to be here. In these neighborhoods. In these families. In these homes. May we fulfill that responsibility that God has placed on us and accept His hand as we do it.
Michelle McCullough is a speaker, strategist, success coach, serial entrepreneur and show host. In addition to The Living Room, Michelle also has a solo show called Make It Happen. She's the managing director for Startup Princess, an international organization for women entrepreneurs. She loves God, is married, has two kids and her secret love is sugar cereals. Find out more about Michelle at her website, SpeakMichelle.com