My guest this week is Katie Sullivan M.S., SLP-CCC, a speech language pathologist with 17 years experience teaching both typical and atypical learners and 5 years experience homeschooling. Katie is the mother of 5 children, including twin boys with special needs. She is an avid homesteader and experienced crafter, who, thanks to her Mother, has more than 25 years experience in handicrafts, candlemaking and soapmaking, which she now teaches. Katie is currently pursuing a second Masters in History and French, and her library card always has the maximum amount of books checked out. She lives on a one acre homestead, with her husband, her own Mr. Darcy who grew up in England, and their 5 children, 3 dogs, 10 chickens, 8 ducks and 7 turkeys in the gorgeous Southwest. We are going to be talking about...a lot...travelling, sharing chores, gathering eggs, feeding chickens and her blog called BrightonParkBlog. Katie hopes, through her writings and our chat today, to encourage other parents of special needs children to realize that homeschooling can be an option for them and be successful when things are kept positive and encouraging. Come along and join us, with your tea and a little bit of apple tart to keep you going, this Friday.
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