Who Are Magnitsky & Yakovlev? Kim de Blecourt


My guest this week is Kim de Blecourt, author of, Until We All Come Home, published by Faith Words last November.   Kim spent over 13 years in corporate human resources and was a corporate trainer.  I discovered her on Twitter and have spent many hours delving into the world of adoption using her blog, Nourished Hearts, as my springboard.  I have happened upon an enterprising and remarkable community of people whom Kim seeks to encourage and inspire through her sensitive writing.  In the forefront of her ministry is the specific issues caregivers face with children who come from “hard beginnings.”   The latest sequence of events that have resulted in Russia placing a ban on Americans adopting children from their country is seen as a political power struggle that will affect those in most need, the orphans.  Join us this Friday for a heartwarming and true conversation that will call us to think again about what it means to be a Christian in our world today.  


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